17 June 2013

Signally productive

All in all, The Grand 2013 Henningmusick Re-Rollout has been an overridingly positive experience.  I have managed to get Sibelius 6 files to the publisher for:

Three Short Pieces (organ), Op.34
Radiant Maples, Op.59
Fragments of « Morning Has Broken », Op.64a
Starlings on the Rooftop, Op.82
Studies in Impermanence, Op.86
Nunc dimittis, Op.87, № 9

. . . and the experience of (perforce) having to put new composition on hold, while sawing away at a task which brought a fair number of "old scores" under my eye, gave me the chance (potentially) to grow heartily sick of (it might have been) embarrassing early work.  But — even if none is The Musical Masterpiece of My Generation — I find all the pieces to be well made, still, and I just enjoy the sound of them all, still.  (Added bonus:  All six works have actually been performed in public; and a majority of them have been performed multiple times.)

And (but wait — there's more!) I find myself freshly enthused to attend to The Mystic Trumpeter.  Yes, I did some composing on this morning's train.  The piece will benefit from the much-improved global sense of architecture which I have developed over all these months of apparent inactivity on the composition.

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