10 February 2025

Big News Not (directly) Mine

Quoth Alexa: “I’'s 1:06 PM, Hope you had a good Monday.” Taking her mechanized chatter as a peculiar given, you’ve got to like the implication that Monday concluded around 1 PM.
Porridger’s Almanack (Breakfast of Ganglions)

... small twinkling eyes, and a singular expression hovering about that region of his face, which was not a frown, nor a leer, And yet might have been mistaken at the first glance for either. Indeed it would have been difficult, on a much closer acquaintance, to describe it in any more satisfactory terms than as a mixed expression of vulgar cunning and conceit.

— Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit

Triad alumna Sarah Riskind has earned tenure at Eureka College. Sarah’s Hariyu launched Triad, we might almost say, as it opened Triad’s inaugural concert in Harvard’s Memorial Chapel, and it was yours truly’s privilege to direct the piece. Was Triad a component of Sarah’s success? I am fond so to imagine.

Separately, it’s official: my ASCAP earnings this year were too meager to require a tax document. Just reporting, not complaining.
Also separately, but altogether less vexing: I’ve submitted Sorrow and love flow mingled down to a call for organ scores.

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