05 February 2025

A Peculiar, But Musical Dream

What the WCRB jockey says: This legendary recording of the Sibelius Third Symphony.
What it may just mean: The only recording of the Sibelius Third Symphony I’ve heard.
And I’ve just invented a new musical genre: the zone poem. Porridger’s Almanack (Breakfast of Ganglions)

There is no half position on bigotry. Bigotry condoned is bigotry.

— Dan Rather

I dreamt I was mentally composing a piece for two guitars, The Non-Whirl Dervish. I seemed to be aware that I was composing in a dream, and I was taken with the idea and musical content of the piece, so I made a point of peeling a sheet of paper from a pad  to make notes for when I should wake. On waking, I don’t think enough of the music to make a real piece of it, and whatever I thought of the prospect in the dream, I don’t know a guitar duo, just two or three guitarists, none of whom regularly (or irregularly, for that matter) work with a second guitarist. The photo is curious decor for a local coffee shop, an old-school type-jigger.

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