17 December 2024

Waste Not, Want Not

As Bing Crosby sings it, I’m not hearing any real hunger for the figgy pudding. Just saying.
Believe in The Wonder of Retail
Fireball Whiskey: no better way to keep your Chevy’s battery terminals clean.
Postcards From Red Squirrel Trail

There is, in the perspicuous flow of your pure English, a subtle delicacy of expression which always pleases me—except when you tomahawk people.

— Thomas Holley Chivers, writing to E.A. Poe

Most of the pieces I write for the Fifteen Minutes of Fame calls remain un-famous. Yet I often produce material that I like a ton and whereof I therefore resent the Universe’s indifference. Hence, I re-purposed sand dance (originally written in 2016 for flute and harp) as the coda of one of my pieces for Ensemble Aubade, Bicycling Into the Sun (Feel the burn), Op. 163. So, in September of 2023 I wrote a saxophone quartet, Thinking of Rahsaan. This was apparently one of those instances when I heard bupkis from the musicians asking for the pieces. but again: too good a piece to let it get swallowed up in the Void. I will cannibalize it for Dark Side.I do not remember just why, just when or just for whom, but at some point I swapped a clarinet for the flute in sand dance. I don’t think I did it for myself, since at the time there was no harpist I might have collaborated with. I did a little work on Dark Side today, but the most important accomplishment today was setting a date for the 30th Henning Ensemble concert on 8 April 2025 at King
s Chapel.

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