21 December 2024

Sun and Done

Seen at the supermarket: “Make Grilled Cheese Easy.” I’ll go on record as having been ignorant of any challenge to making grilled cheese.
This is what Morning TV has aspired to: “Top emojis that make you look old.“
Porridger’s Almanack (Breakfast of Ganglions)

The enemy of Art is the absence of limitation

— Orson Welles

Although mentally I was allowing myself until New Year’s Day to finish Dark Side of the Sun, there is a cosmically serendipitous rightness to completing it on the Winter Solstice. I appeared to reach the end yesterday, but I suffered some doubts: is this really an ending, the ending? It needed less “repair” this morning than I had feared. I fine-tuned the ending this morning, went out on a couple of errands, and did some more tweaking throughout the piece later this afternoon and into the evening. As noted earlier, I borrowed some material from both the low-clarinet choir piece, Crazy in a Bottle, and the brass choir fanfare, Lord of the Things. And, of course, cannibalized Not in any particular hurry, which I did not ever hide was always the intention. Not at all surprisingly, the process was never a simple/lazy copy-&-paste affair, which would have been less interesting to the composer even than to the listener. The demo of the piece runs almost literally the eight minutes I had always intended. And that, Gentle Reader, is a wrap on the Opus 193. Well, I need to add rehearsal marks, and prep the parts. What’s next? I was planning to write a new piece for a Chamber Orchestra call. And I may, at that, though the waggish thought of adapting (expanding the scoring of) Dark Side is tempting me.

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