Euripides’ striptease
Venus, the Batter of Eyelashes
Pandora’s fuse box
If everyone were a panda, none of us would be cute.
Venus, the Batter of Eyelashes
Pandora’s fuse box
If everyone were a panda, none of us would be cute.
– Postcards From Red Squirrel Trail
Theory is when you know everything but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why. In our lab, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and no one knows why.
— Albert Einstein
— Albert Einstein
Somehow, what I should probably never have predicted, this month my favorite Stravinsky score appears to be the Cantata. Today I finished massaging the re-scored Dark Side of the Sun, Op, 193a (flute, clarinet, bassoon and double-bass.) And submitted it to the Call for which I prepared it. As a result, I also added rehearsal letters to and extracted parts for, the original. Now, on the one hand, I don’t just yet know what I might write next, but on t’other, I’m prepared now simply to enjoy Christmas.
The photo is the festive seasonal decor for my parents’ gravesite. This is only my second Christmas with my mom joining the choirs of angels on high.
Christmas can be melancholy, yet always gives us hope and memories of wistful joy!