25 January 2018

The Fourth Nun

Originally, I composed Nun of the Above for a planned concert of The 9th Ear. The plans ran aground, and when the next concert of the group-in-waiting may take place, no mortal soul knows.

But my equivocal Nun, it is (though I, Gentle Reader, be he that says so) a winsome little number which of a hearing strongly deserveth. She has already assumed a variety of shapes, both in fact (the flute version for Peter H. Bloom) and in fancy (cl/pf). And here I have already finally conceived a spatially displaced version, an electronic mix wherein will meet a bassist half the world away, and mine own clarinet in multiple takes.

This last is a most frankly whimsical thought which has sprung from the happy accident striking an acquaintance through Facebook with a writer and bassist of Bangalore. Is not the world become yet more wonderful, even than before?

Why, oh why should I take such trouble over a bagatelle?  Because I own it, every note, not a whit less than I own the obviously more substantial Symphony.

Because I don't record a note, unless I feel certain that it is the right note.

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