15 February 2010

Continuing Discretion

Resumed work on Discreet Erasures, a short piece for fairly large orchestra, and an exercise in devil-may-care composition. It will be difficult enough, that probably only a professional orchestra will be capable of tackling it. And, of course, chances are fair that no professional orchestra will play the piece in my lifetime. I’ve already got two orchestral pieces in the can, written within the capabilities of more modest orchestras (and they have been sitting on the shelf since their initial performances). So the Erasures are an exercise of musical imagination, in defiance of any prospect of performance.

This is not any new idea for me, and at an early point in work on the Erasures I began incorporating into it parts of an unfinished trunk of a piece, which had gone by the working title of Barefoot on the Crowded Road.

I had not looked at the Erasures for a couple of months. Going back to the work-in-progress with fresh ears and eyes, I am very pleased with it. Ready to get on with the piece, and in fact I’ve been writing up more sketches.

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