27 August 2023

More Arrows Shot Into the Air

Vexation Nation: What the bore wore in the Boer War.
Postcards From Red Squirrel Trail

It’s harder for me, and I embarrass myself more readily, but I get more pleasure out of failing in a project that I am enthused over, than in succeeding at a project that I know I can do well.

— Woody Allen

In August of ’22 I applied a call for orchestral scores. Nothing came of it. And actually, I see from my email that 2022 was not the first time I applied thereunto. Well, I see the same call again, so why not? I've submitted the string version of Misapprehension and a scene from White Nights. (The winner is commissioned to compose a new work.) There was a choral music call for which I have entrants at the ready. Done.
A call for band pieces also caught my eye: Composition must be at least 3 minutes in length, not to exceed 6 minutes. Ear Buds is too long, and the Saltmarsh Stomp is a quarter of a minute shy. However, thinks I, I could add a repeat for a brief passage in the middle, and that should nudge the piece into qualifying, so that was my work today.
Notwithstanding today's being Sunday, I got a reply from one of my "cold" reach-outs, a band director, who writes that she is already familiar with Out in the Sun, which was very pleasant, indeed.

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