01 January 2018

The ghost of Microblogging Past

“She smells like parole officers ought to smell.”

(Not really in the script.)

“That dweam within a dweam ....”

The lady motorist with the license plate frame assuring us that Happiness Is Knowing Christ, certainly drives as if keen on meeting Him at the earliest opportunity.

Dick van Dyke, making love to his wife (Mary Tyler Moore) over the phone with a disguised voice. This cannot end well. Strike that: it’s a comedy, and shall end well.

You may think it a nuisance, but we all need the overachievers . . . .

“… planning arcane procedures.”

“It all started at lunch. Wolfe splashed a drop of sauce from the spare ribs right on his tie ....”

[Karl] found half an inch of tea gone cold in the bottom of the cup, and he’s going to DO something about it!

Keep Calm and Choir On

The stare of the chap across the aisle, directed at his smartphone, can only be described as harsh.

No; I don’t wish to know.

(All these on some 31 December or other.)

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