01 January 2012

Hello 2012

No earth-shaking blog post to start, to be sure.

A rum thing, but it seems I can never have watched Die Hard properly, really, if I never realized the use it makes of the finale to the Opus 125, can I have?

At long last, I’ve watched Planes, Trains & Automobiles — in its entirety, I mean. Of course, I’ve seen clips, even longish stretches, over the years . . . never the whole thing from start to finish. The result (which does not really surprise me, though still preserves me in the virtue of Humility): a much better movie than I had ever given it credit for.

Spending a very mellow New Year’s Day (although I did get out for an hour’s walk). Much of the light listening I have done so far in this tender new year has been Federico Mompou’s own recording of his exquisite Música callada, that quiet masterpiece which has fixed me with its glittering eye.

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