01 April 2021

Crown Laid Aside

The Silence of the Clams, the Justice of the Peas.
Postcards From Red Squirrel Trail

Tomorrow is a busy day,
we got things to do and eggs to lay.

— Alex Kramer & Joan Whitney “Ain’t Nobody Here But Us Chickens” (ca. 1946)

Yesterday evening I chopped out To lay aside his crown for my soul, Op. 169 № 6 for Gigi Mitchell-Velasco. I know what tunes I mean to use (abuse?) for Nos. 7 through 9. I may just get № 7 set up before setting to work on Movement 3 of the Op. 148.

In Dec 2018, which is to say, early in my recovery, as I was still pretty much just in a state of eagerness to get back to composing, I reported that Mvt 3 would be A Piece of My Mind, but I think that, in the interests of paralellism, it shall instead be headed The Noggin.

The Nerves clocks in at seven minutes, and The Heart at fourteen. Let me aim for a six-minute Noggin to wrap the Symphony up.

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