20 March 2019

Of King's Sans Choux

Gentle Reader, if you have followed my musical activity over time (and you may have) you likely know that, courtesy of the most gracious Heinrich Christensen, it is my pleasure to perform Henningmusick, usually, twice yearly on the lunchtime concert series at King's Chapel. You may possibly even have noted that I have generally begun planning in February for the spring concert date. Even in my convalescence, as I look forward eagerly to an eventual return to normal activity, musical & otherwise, I kept in view the fact that Heinrich is expecting a musical program from me.
What to do? Since I shall not be in any condition to perform, so soon.

My generous and gracious colleagues have been determined that there will be a show, whose date is 14 May, and we have planned (but not yet decided on the final order of) the program.
After a hiatus in production (other than the necessary hiatus of my medical adventure) driven by the demise of a laptop, I arranged one of These Unlikely Events for two flutes, and arranged Zen on the Wing for two flutes and horn. I also intended a new trio, about which, more later.
And Pam Marshall is providing three pieces, two of them brand new, for one of which I shall play a brass bowl.
The time is near, when we should arrange a rehearsal schedule.

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