17 August 2017

When Cutting Loose Is Letting Go

I spent two weeks in Costa Rica where I attended a continuing education class for yoga teachers. Here the daily practice of letting go physically, mentally and emotionally set me up for the months ahead. Slowing down, breathing and meditating are tools that I have used daily as I moved through the unknown.

In this blog post, Karen DeGregorio relates her experience of leaving one job (after 30 years of work) and not knowing just what the next step might be. Of stepping aside from the apparent logic of immediately lining up the next job. Doubts about paying the rent, apprehension over how that Gap would “look” on her CV.

Much less personally urgent, is the need to find a new organist for Holy Trinity Church. The most immediate parallel to Karen’s story is, the church were cautious about releasing the present organist, because we do not yet know where the new organist will come from. That caution, arguably, made the church more tolerant than the situation warranted, of recent conditions.

But it was necessary to let go, even if the net is not in sight.

The new choir season—which is always an adventure—will feel even a bit more adventurous still. But we shall find whom we need to find. Yielding to any feeling of urgency would be an error: A failed search is preferable to an unsuitable appointment.

We have subs lined up for the months of September & October while the search proceeds. And while the future is in part unknown, it is nothing fearful.

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