06 July 2014

II.v progress report (3)

Whew, done at last (I think) with the Egyptian Dance. All the percussion (which I love) was a bit of work; and while I had no qualms about changing the [ 9/8 + 2/4 ] measures to 9 + 4 / 8 . . . for the middle section with its ever-changing [ 6/16 + 3/4 ] and variants ([ 6/16 + 4/4 ] , [ 9/16 + 3/4 ]), the solution was perforce to break the measures up. Not a great sacrifice, really . . . and with the type this tiny on the hard copy, the loss of the measure numbers as a reference is almost no loss, since I cannot read those numbers without the magnifier, anyway.

So now I am at p.15 of the 25-p. score; not going to finish Scene 5 today, at any rate. Think I'll finish p.15, five measures remaining, a return to the Debussy allusion qua transition to the tropes upon Parasha's Aria . . . and I may call it quits then.

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