15 September 2010

End of the Day

Soon I must see to program notes for the Viola Sonata, Opus 102.

Our parakeets (Trisha & Grusha) respond very interestingly, one might even say flirtatiously, to the high tweety notes Jeff Beck plays at the end of “Angel (Footsteps)” on the Live at Ronny Scott’s album.

This was the summer of rediscovering where Shostakovich: A Life has been shelved all this time.

You sometimes see “Opus 77” appended to the First Violin Concerto, sometimes “Opus 99.” Happily, Laurel Fay clarifies:

The Violin Concerto was initially assigned opus no. 99, corresponding chronologically to its date of first performance. It was subsequently reassigned opus no. 77, reflecting the actual date of composition. Opus 99 was assigned to the film music for The First Echelon.

Thanks to the as-yet-mysterious person in Italy who has ordered the string orchestra version of the Canticle of St Nicholas ! I confess to some curiosity as to when a performance may possibly ensue . . . .

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