05 January 2009

Two Years Since

Work on White Nights continues. Intermezzo II is done, and Intermezzo III is nearing done-ness.

Program is now settled for the 7 March recital at St Paul’s, assisted by a violist and cellist. The cellist, though, has begged off Terpsichore in Marble for the present, and Plan B must be a new clarinet solo which should be finished in a few days, Irreplaceable Doodles.

The St Paul’s choir will sing Bless the Lord, O My Soul in a few weeks. Perhaps even the Magnificat. Nuhro has been scheduled for a concert at Eastern Nazarene College in April.

[ 22 Jan 07 ]


Intermezzo III was indeed finished shortly thereafter; I also finished Irreplaceable Doodles in good time, and did play it on the 7 March recital . . . which wound up being a solo recital. And, in the event, a recital with which I was pleased.

The concert at Eastern Nazarene College never materialized.

We did sing the Magnificat on 18 March 07, but it was rather dicier than the composer quite liked.


  1. Hi Karl!

    As I approach the ages at which some of my grandparents died, and am less than 20 years away from the death-ages of my parents, I start wondering how many more years will be left for finishing Project X, Project Y, and Super Secret Scheme Z.

    I sometimes look at a project and wonder: Why did it take 7 months to crank that out?!

    And then there are the completed works which are no longer extant for various reasons: lost, destroyed unintentionally, and, more frightening, destroyed intentionally. We would like to have all that time back, but...

    In the end, the time it takes to create an artwork is the time it takes to create an artwork.

    So if you are still working on White Nights or whatever, keep working! Eventually, as I believe Kant pointed out, one looks back at one's life and sees how the events did fit together into a logical whole, although at the time of a certain event one wonders why it had to happen to you!

    Best Wishes!


  2. Yes, determined to complete the Nights!
